The postcard on right was sent in 1904 from Rhyl to a lady in Old Trafford. Manchester, saying, “This is the favourite Pierrot, Mr. Sutcliffe.” Bill Ellis says this was one of the leading performers in Adeler and Sutton’s Pierrots and the leader of Arthur Sutcliffe’s Entertainers. Mr. Sutcliffe, described in Bill’s notes as a light comedian, was very popular in Rhyl and Llandudno.
SUN 11th JUN 2017 UPDATE: Portrait of Arthur Sutcliffe in his civvies:
By the way, Bill Ellis was born in 1944 in a nursing home in Rhyl. The address is given as Wavecrest, Palace Avenue. There is no house of that name there now. Does anyone know the present name or house number, or have any clues to offer? If so, please send an email to: rhylbillellis@yahoo.co.uk