This haunting image of the demolition of Ocean Beach Fun Fair in October 2007 is by Andy Bradley.
The purchasers of Ocean Beach, Modus Properties, went bust. A property company named Scarborough Development Group (SDG) has taken over some of the Modus operations and announced the intention to press ahead with the Rhyl project. SDG is a newly-formed company funded by Investec Private Bank, an international organisation of South African origin.
According to a piece in yesterday’s Daily Post by reporter Martin Williams, SDG will be seeking planning permission for 234 flats (instead of Modus’ 200), an 80-bedroomed hotel (instead of Modus’ 60-bed), a supermarket, offices and so on.
I would say to SDG, Investec and any other parties involved, that some of us are weary of hearing promises about hundreds of this, thousands of that and millions of the other. We will believe in the new developments when we see them.