Monday, 21 December 2009


Click on advert to see small print.

The McCartney & Samples advert at the top is from a Rhyl Grammar School publication dated 1935. (Rhyl County School at that time, the change of name seems to have taken place shortly after World War 2).

The shop, also referred to as The Gold Medal Cake Shop, is advertised as 13 Water Street which was recently Orama Radio & TV, previously F. Matthews, but elders say that’s not where McCartney & Samples was. Has Water Street been renumbered since 1935?

The B & G Stores advert is from a Rhyl Grammar School publication dated 1965. The shop's Queen Street address is given as No.35 which is now Dixie Dean’s gift shop on a corner of Sussex Street. David and Christine at Dixie’s have no knowledge of B & G ever having been there. They remember it being lower down Queen Street, i.e. in the left-hand section of the furniture and beds shop in the colour photo. Has Queen Street been renumbered since 1965?


TUE 12th JAN 2010 UPDATE: A reader has queried Fairholme, the school at the foot of the list in the B & G advert. I can advise that Fairholme was and still is an independent primary/prep school at The Mount, Mount Road, St. Asaph. The Mount was the former home of a member of the Pilkington glass-making family; the school moved there in 1964 (a year before the advert) having been in the town of Denbigh since 1900.
