The opinions expressed in this blog are entirely my own and not the views of the town council.
Here are some more stills from a home movie made in the late 1950s/early ‘60s: a couple of evocative beach scenes, the poor old pier, and a bright and breezy trio of performers from Prince’s International Circus which used to play summer seasons at the Pavilion; part of their job would be to go outside and persuade passers-by to book tickets for the show. Hard to believe that it was half a century ago . . .
SAT 21st JUL 2018 UPDATE: Travelling circuses still come to Rhyl (Rhuddlan really). One such is Uncle Sam's Great American Circus. The following posters are from 2014.
FRI 14th SEP 2018 UPDATE: The following poster for Circus "Petite" on same site is undated but certainly not very old:
6720. Additional image added here in June 2020:
Billy Smart's - one of the very biggest names in circus - visited Rhyl on more than one occasion.