The opinions expressed in this blog are entirely my own and not the views of the town council.
Ripe for restoration, when I get around to it, is this postcard which was never posted and therefore is undated; the clothes suggest early 1920s. Thanks to information received from Mr. Anthony Robins we know that Primrose Motor Coaches was, like Rhyl & Potteries Motors, a business owned by the Robins family.
Shown above is the kind of coach or charabanc known as a ‘toast rack’. It had a row of long seats with no aisle up the middle, each seat having its own door or a door each side. It was customary for coach parties to have their picture taken before setting out on a trip - all part of the service.
Here is a variation on the theme:
Bill Ellis’ book ‘The Spirit of Rhyl’ published in 2004 has photographs of some toast racks owned by Primrose’s competitors, Brookes Brothers' White Rose Motors.