The opinions expressed in this blog are entirely my own and not the views of the town council.
The fence shown above is at the side of the derelict Bee Hotel, Bodfor Street. It displays logos relating to a Denbighshire County Council redevelopment plan that nearly took place a few years ago. The plan is still on the table waiting for funds to be found.
Meanwhile 'The Children’s Paradise’ poster brightens the scene. The poster was designed by Jackson Burton for promoting Rhyl in stations on the London Midland Scottish Railway (LMS) which operated from 1923 to 1948. The poster evokes the 1920s when the councils of the day liked to use the slogan ‘Rhyl – The Children’s Paradise’.
The slogan conjured up a picture of laughing children playing safely on the sands where their parents and nannies could watch minstrels and jesters who gave “several performances during the day of a highly refined and entertaining description . . . No vulgarity allowed.”