Further to the post IN THE AIR (Sunday, 11 October 2009) which featured an aerial shot of the eastern seafront sent by George Owen, above is an image that looks to be from the same series. This shows the central part of the seafront in the early 1960s.
Click on the picture to see a bigger version.
On the lower right is the paddling pool, and nearby is Rhyl Pavilion with its big white dome. The white square next to the Pavilion is the roller skating rink opposite Water Street; the bigger grey square with a centre island is the cycling track opposite the Queens.
This item comes to us from Pete Bethell who works at Pavilion Theatre; readers may know him as a disc jockey and performer and man about town. Pete is a member of Rob and Julie Armstrong’s Centre Stage Theatre Company.
MON 17th SEP 2018 UPDATE: Below is a postcard of an aerial view titled Bird's Eye View Of Rhyl, undated but pre-1960s:
You can read about the producing company, Aerofilms Ltd., in Wikipedia:
Even older is the following aerial image of the entire Pavilion spread including bandstand, gardens and cafe, from around the time it opened to the public in 1908. I can't make up my mind whether this is a drawing.