Sunday 4 September 2016


Last Sunday I posted the above photo taken last month by Yours Truly showing a derelict house or bungalow abandoned years ago. The question: Where in Rhyl would you find it?
The answer: Tarleton Street.
The building is next door down after St. David's Residential Home.

Also I posted an image of the soccer team Rhyl Football Club. The question: Does the image date from 1940s, 1950s, 1960s or 1970s?
The answer: 1960s.
Here is the picture in full with caption restored:

The pic has appeared before in this blog but not dated so precisely.

Scoring 1 win for Tarleton Street and/or 1 win for the other correct answer:
The Great Gareth scores 1.



When I started this Rhyl Life blog in 2008 it was open to comments and quickly filled up with such foul-mouthed abuse against the town that I had to ban comments except via email. 

The purpose of the blog is to give as round as possible a view of the place, past and present, good and bad, and in addition to contending with Rhyl haters I have to deal with people who want to hide the cracks.

A few days ago I was photographing an interesting detail in one of the corridors leading to Queens Market. It had been my intention to phone the owners' office about using the pic as basis for a quiz question.

While I was taking the shot, a man who did not introduce himself but must have been to do with the company approached and said, “Don’t you think the town has enough problems with you taking photographs like that?”

He was not referring to the object of my scrutiny, he was talking about the decay and litter around it. In respect for his sensitivity the photo will remain unblogged but let's agree parts of the Queens are in a shameful condition.

In addition to Rhyl’s ‘business community’ our elected representatives also tend to shy away from the truth like Dracula faced with garlic. They clutch at straws, trying to pretend the scene is better than it really is.

Rhyl shoppers have to run the gamut of cyclists on pavements, vehicles encroaching on the pedestrianised area, junk shops spilling out into the streets, and tramps lying around begging.

We are not going attract shoppers with serious money to spend by offering them an experience like this. It would not be acceptable in any other town in Denbighshire and it's not OK for Rhyl.

Previously I have called for pavement wardens to be introduced. A new by-law would be needed to bestow on wardens the necessary powers to deal with any problems. This ought to be achievable.
