The building may still be in existence; there is something familiar about the top storey. Of its whereabouts there are no indications. To add to the fog, there were two saints named Oswald: one Catholic and one Anglican.
Before I reach for my Deerstalker hat and pipe (Sherlock Jones) and investigate, you may already have some information about the school. If so, please let me know.
MON 6th SEP 2010 UPDATE: Les Williams of Rhyl found St. Oswald’s listed in a street directory from 1930s. It was ‘next door’ to the right of St. Mary’s Convent School with quite a distance in between; St. Oswald's was on the corner of Churton Road. The address is 36 Russell Road and Les recalls it being the home of bookie Bill Clapham 1960s to 1990s when it was known as Eagle Court. Now it is a private residence (or residences) bearing the name Tudor House. The east wing has disappeared and other alterations have taken place but it is still recognisable.
WED 18th FEB 2015 UPDATE: Val Lovibond writes, "St. Oswald's was part of Arcville College and used by boarders for their mealtimes, bedrooms and weekend periods."