The answer is 13 Windsor Street. The only fact at my fingertips about the house is that Colin Smith was born there; he was a double bass player active in the late 1950s on the Rhyl dance band scene.
SUN 19th SEP 2010 UPDATE: Mike Jones of Enfield writes: "I grew up in Rhyl from 1952 to 1970 and lived in 13 Windsor Street which my father Jim had bought in the late 1940s. Actually the Victoria House sign has only been there since the current owners bought the house from him in mid 1990's. When we lived there "Victoria House 13 " was a header over the door. It was a farmhouse in the 1860's!
"Also, I note the recent death of Shelagh Terry of 14 Windsor Street. Shelagh lived there all her life from 1920; she was a well respected piano teacher who worked from her home from 1950s to 1990s."