The opinions expressed in this blog are entirely my own and not the views of the town council.
The picture above shows one of my ward residents known as John the Pigeon Man a couple of years ago in Town Hall Square.
Pigeons and seagulls were on the town council agenda in September last year following a complaint from the manager of White Rose Centre about the cost of keeping his car park clean. The Mayor called for the humane culling of gulls and a bylaw prohibiting people from feeding birds.
[To many people culling means killing. The suggestion brought an angry response from the public.]
Yesterday evening at a committee meeting the matter came up again and there were sharp exchanges across the floor. Most speakers felt that the presence of a large number of seagulls in the town centre was a problem caused by people eating in the streets and failing to dispose of food waste sensibly.
I could find no public enthusiasm for the idea of a bylaw against feeding birds. It seemed mean-spirited to bring in a bylaw prohibiting an act of kindness. If there had been enough time I would have added that people who feed birds are not curable anyway. It is a form of compulsive behaviour; they couldn’t stop even if they wanted to.
One day when walking past John who was sitting contently surrounded by pigeons, I said, ‘Are you feeding those birds?’ He said, ‘No.’ I said, ‘Yes, you are!’
He replied, ‘No I’m not! There’s some seed in my pocket and they come and take it. I ain’t feeding ‘em, it’s self service!’