The opinions expressed in this blog are entirely my own and not the views of the town council.
The photos above were taken this chilly morning; they show the derelict building known as the Bee Hotel in Bodfor Street.
On a previous occasion, I posted a street scene which included the Bee and this prompted a personal message from a lady named Natalia in New Zealand. Her grandfather was born in Rhyl, and his grandfather had been born inside the Bee as the youngest son of the then-owner R.D. Roberts.
The colourful Mr. Roberts was sometimes referred to as ‘Mwrog’ which was was a bardic name; he was a poet as well as a publican and local politician. Natalia is putting together the story of Mwrog and wants pictures of the Bee interior.
Not knowing of any in circulation, I have hatched a plan with county council staff and a local photographer to go inside the building for a photo- shoot. Natalia will be covering the cost and is happy for council and community to make use of the resulting pictures.
So it’s into the Bee and click click within the next week or so. For a report on the expedition, keep watching this blog.