The opinions expressed in this blog are entirely my own and not the views of the town council.
In a recent edition of The Journal there was a story about Clwyd Alyn Housing Association’s policies on antisocial behaviour. Clwyd Alyn is the biggest landlord in the Bodfor ward. I am a Clwyd Alyn tenant and know that the neighbours issue is always current.
Clwyd Alyn deserve a high level of complaints. They knowingly give accommodation to people with behavioural problems and make a lot of money out of it. Clearly, a proportion of their tenants are addicted to alcohol and/or other drugs and are mentally ill and maybe have a history of offending and/or eviction.
Giving shelter to people like these may be profitable, but what does it do to streets such as Princes Street, Edward Henry Street and so on?
In Edward Henry Street is a beautifully restored property, the result of a project said to have cost nearly £1.5 million. Inside are small business units intended for starter companies, and also spaces for community use. No takers so far.