Sunday, 19 November 2017


The old toll bridge that preceded the present Foryd Bridge is always an item of interest. The image below tells us little or nothing about the bridge but it has a certain charm. Views from downriver looking northwards to the harbour are quite rare.

The image has been re-shaped slightly Yours Truly. It is from a card postmarked 1916. Printed on the back of the card is a copyright notice by

A. Netherwood, Conway. Arthur Netherwood was an English artist who travelled in Wales. He died in 1930.


Well boys, we men seem to be boxed into a corner: no longer able to take hold of children and – thanks to predatory film producers and the like – no longer able to take hold of women either. We’ll have to learn to hug each other.

A long way from the dark side is this depiction of a young lady landing in Rhyl and being pursued by interested parties while a policeman looks on. Women would send this kind of card to each other.

humorous card

This is postmarked 1903. It is intended to be humorous and I hope most sincerely that it offends nobody.

MON 15th OCT 2018 UPDATE: Ditto the following item, a card postmarked 1910.

humorous card

Colin Jones / email:
