Wednesday, 5 August 2015


For a long time people have been coming to live in Rhyl already poor and, if they had done just a little research in advance, they should have realised that this town offers very little scope for advancement.

Rhyl West has been - and presumably still is - one of the most deprived wards in Wales. Resettlement agencies have been unloading their clients into the old holiday district knowing they could not prosper there. 

Wherever you find a lot of social housing (housing association in Rhyl West and council-owned homes in Rhyl South West ) you will find a lot of deprivation because tenants have to be comparatively poor to be eligible for that kind of housing.

Current rounds of cuts and squeezes are hitting hard in certain sectors of Rhyl and other places, but the government's objectives of balancing the UK's books and getting the country out of debt are honourable and necessary. 

The way out for able-bodied people of working age can only be to learn more skills and then sell them to an employer or perhaps become an employer. No use grumbling about immigrants taking jobs.

What country is richest in the world? The USA. What country has the most immigrants (including illegal immigrants)? The USA. There is no evidence that immigrants have a detrimental effect on the economy.

Our unemployed have got to be prepared to compete - and to travel if at all possible. The job market is international. I get emails from Rhylites living and working in countries I had never heard of.
